The Clever Fox Littile Story

                                                               THE CLEVER FOX

Once a fox was walking through the forest . He had a good meal .He was very happy .On the way he saw a well .He looked into it .He saw a well .He looked into it.He saw his image in the water .Suddenly ,he fell into the well.

There was plenty for water in the wall . He tried to come out.But he could not jump up. At that time a goat came there.Hearing the sound from the well,he looked into it ."what are you doing there? the goat asked the fox. "I am drinking this water .Its very sweet and tasty" the fox  said .the foolish goat jumped into the well .He wanted to drink that sweet and tasty water.At once the fox got on the top of the goat and jumped out of the well .He thanked the goat and walked away..